Tuesday, June 21, 2005


I have a scanner to use!!! Anthony got one and I am so happy with it. I spent most of this afternoon going through boxes of pictures and scanning them. Anthony and Stav are going to put together a website for me. The website will have all of my photography on it, basically an online portfolio. I still need to go through all of my negatives too. There is a negative/slide tray that fits into the scanner, so I can scan them also. Once the website is put together I'll post a link on here. We're going to work on it next Tuesday I believe.

I am also having a lot of fun with www.last.fm , it is a basically an online radio station where you get to choose what you listen to. You set up a profile and make a list of music you want. It will either play just your music, or the music of the people you list as being a friend. It's kinda nice. Regular radio tends to annoy me because I don't like half the music, most of the DJ's are really obnoxious, and there are too many commercials. This is like a cross between playing your mp3 collection and radio. Only music you like, no commercials, but without the hassle of having to download music. Plus, it's a great way to preview music before you get around to buying it. And of course it's free, which makes me very happy. My user name is VampireSass (of course). If any of you join, let me know and I'll put you on my friend list. I supposed I should give credit where it's due, Smitty was the one who introduced me to it. Plus, I was having issues with it and he helped, so he's my hero.

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