Monday, June 27, 2005

Dreams, Cops and a BBQ

I had the oddest dream the other night. I think I've been watching too much Law and Order lately. I had a dream that I stabbed a plastic surgeon (multiple times) because he had been experimenting on homeless guys. How does my brain come up with stuff like this?? I always have such odd, vivid dreams. The weird thing is, dreams like that never upset me. I woke up from it feeling completely calm. But this morning just before I woke up, I had a dream that Anthony and I were arguing. Granted it's not something we actually seem to do in real life, but in the dream, we were definitely getting pissed about something completely ridiculous. Why is it that getting in an argument is more upsetting than committing murder. (shakes head) I am not quite right in the head.

I went to a party at the neighbors' Saturday night. Fun party as usual, but for some reason the neighbors decided to call the cops. Apparently it was the old lady who lives behind me. At 12:30 the cops showed up and broke it up. The old lady called in a noise complaint. It's a party, in a college town, on a Saturday night. What do you expect to have happen?? We back right up to a 'real' neighborhood though, so I think she's probably just cranky that students live near her. I've decided when it's this hot and humid and I haven't had much to eat or enough water to drink in a day, I probably shouldn't go to a party and drink. I had two gin and Sprites (for lack of tonic) and a shot. I wasn't drunk, I just felt horrible. After I got home I ended up taking a nap in the bathtub for a half hour. I felt a lot better after, and once I had a little bit to eat and some water to drink I was alright. It's just weird. I've never been that overheated while drinking I guess.

I went back over there Sunday for a BBQ. They had them all the time last summer, and they are always entertaining. Although, this time we kept wondering if the cops were going to break it up because we were wafting aromas in the cranky neighbor's general direction. It was a good weekend, although I am looking forward to next weekend even more. Anthony doesn't work and we'll have three days where we have NOTHING that has to get done. Such a wonderful thought.

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