Saturday, July 23, 2005


I am so tired this morning. It could have something to do with the fact that it's 7am and I am awake. I'm not sure what exactly is going on with my brain. It seems to think that when Anthony gets up for work, I should too. (sighs) The rabbit chewing on the metal cage isn't helping either. I left my trusty spray bottle at Anthony's place too, so I had to resort to putting a small amount of water in a glass and throwing it at him. I have one soggy, pissed off Jack right now. Squirrel is still cute and relatively well behaved though. I was so shocked the other day when I had to yell at her. She's picking up a few bad habits from Jack. He's mellowing out though, so I guess it will even out eventually.

We saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory the other day. It was awesome. Bizarre, but awesome. Then again anything starring Johnny Depp and directed by Tim Burton is pretty much guaranteed to be a little off. I actually liked it a lot more than I liked the original. I know that's probably going to get me tarred and feathered, but it's true. Maybe it's cause I saw the first one much older than most of my friends...but I dunno, it always just seemed like one really annoying drug trip. With candy. Willy Wonka, as played by Johnny Depp, was also mildy annoying, but it seemed to fit a lot better with what I remember from the book.

Another movie I liked that I forgot to mention was War of the Worlds. Despite Tom Cruise's annoying habit of, well talking, his movie was great. He may have gone off the deep end in his public life, but it hasn't affected his acting. The movie wasn't exactly what I expected, but it was still really good. I have to say though, it wasn't the alien creatures, or the gore that freaked me out. It was people. The scenes with people desperate to survive and how utterly mindless they became nearly made me sick. I have a strong stomach for most things, after all, I loved Kill Bill and Sin City. But a couple of the scenes showing how easily people fall into the mob mentality made me absolutely ill. Yes, I know. I'm weird. But, aside from that, it was a very cool movie.

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