Saturday, July 16, 2005

7:54 AM

It's 7:54 AM and I can't freakin sleep. I woke up around 6, and haven't been back to sleep since. I woke up because the light in the kitchen was on. Now, I have no idea WHY it was on. It was off when Anthony and I went to bed, and neither of us remember turning it on. I still maintain that there's no way it was me. For one thing, I am remarkably adept at maneuvering in the dark. I think it comes from being blind...I'm turning into a bat and developing sonar. I can now use echo location to find my way around. I never turn the light on to go to the bathroom or get a drink of water. Plus, this apartment is pretty light, from all of the street lamps around here. It was the kitchen light that's about 6 feet up on the wall too, which would be the last light I would turn on. If it's isn't easily accessible, there's no way I'd bother to go for it when there's a switch right at waist height. I blame either Anthony, or the rabbits. Jack? Squirrel? Were you guys having a party last night? I think I better go check the fridge for missing beer.... What is really weird is that I am not even tired.

I'll be "getting up" in about a half hour. We have to get ready to go to Hartland today. Anthony and I are getting haircuts from Malissa. Mine has grown at least 4 inches in the past 2 months and I can't take it any more. After that, we're going to my parents' house. They are planning to replace the wood siding on the house with brick and desperately need my advice. Apparently they are incapable of making brick decisions without me. Frankly it's a good thing they asked for my help, I am MUCH more efficient at deciding what looks good. When the house was getting built we spent 4 hours in the tile place. I picked out tiles for my bathroom in 20 minutes and STILL like what it looks like. They agonized for hours and really hate what they have. After we drive around for a while and look at brick houses we are going to have a BBQ. That was kind of random too, they just decided they needed to make dinner for Anthony and I. It's great...I am always thrilled to have other people make me meals, just a little surprised by it.

After dinner we're headed back to Lansing to feed the bunnies and then to his parents' house in Grand Junction. That means a total of 4-5 hours of driving Anthony's graduation party is tomorrow and it was easier to drive there tonight than early tomorrow. I finally get to meet his whole family. All 9 billion of them. I've met his parents and his brother Brad. There are EIGHT other siblings, who are all married and have at least three children. YAHHHHHHHHHHHHH. As an only child, I am confused and frightened by this. Wish me luck, I think I'm going to need it.

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