Thursday, March 09, 2006

My Green Thumb Is Finally Sprouting

Any of you who know my mom know that she's the Queen of Flowers. She can pretty much get ANYTHING to grow. I love flowers but I haven't really inherited that gene. I'd sort of prefer to just have plants learn to take care of themselves. I just am not the nurturing type. I forget to water plants, I never remember how much sun they need or what to do when they're done blooming. Thank goodness I don't plan to have children, I'd probably forget to feed them for days and leave them at the grocery store.

For Christmas my mom got me some narcissus bulbs, and a huge amaryllis bulb. The narcissus grew like mad and had beautiful little white blossoms. But, they don't last long and before I could snap a picture, they were done. I sent them back to my mom to be planted outside in her garden. The amaryllis steadily grew three very tall stalks and then did nothing for a week or so. And all of a sudden two of the stalks have buds that burst open and have 8 incredible huge blooms. I managed to get a few quick photos of them yesterday.

And in the week it took me to finish writing this entry, the third stalk bloomed and has 5 blossoms, bringing the grand total up to 13. That has to be some sort of record I think. Apparently it's a kinky little bugger though. I had to tied it up to a chair in order to keep it upright. The heavy blooms and tall stem in a lightweight pot made it a bit top heavy. I came home one day to find it tipped over onto the carpet. Luckily it didn't make too much of a mess or get damaged. I dragged a chair over to the window and tied the stem to it. (shakes head) flowers that are into bondage....why am I not not surprised?

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