Captain Jack Sparrow



and more Squirrel

Unfortunately I wasn't able to get any pictures of the two of them together, but that's next on the To Do list.
I made my famous Orange-Dijon Chicken tonight. I haven't made it in at least a year, which is crazy, because it's one of my favorite recipes. Anyone curious to try the recipe can either as for a copy of it, or bribe me to make it for your. Trust me, it's worth it.
I think I finally made the decision to stick with Drifting Visions (another of Smitty's brilliant suggestions, once again, he is my hero) for the name of my website. Stav got started on the graphics for the webpage. So far it is really simple. Black background, white lettering...all that fun stuff. I am basically going for whatever will set off the photographs the best. I am still madly editing photos until my eyes start to bleed. Part of the problem is that I've been working on them on four different computers, my desktop and laptop, and Anthony's desktop and laptop. And yeah, we own too many computers, I am actually aware of that. But that's slowing me down because I keep having to burn CD's and send emails to myself. Pain in the ass is what it is. But I am already loving the way the site looks and getting really excited about the idea of it.
Oh my god, the bunnies are so cute!
I know...they are completely irresistable.
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